One Piece: 10 Strongest Members of the Straw Hat

One Piece 10 Strongest Members of the Straw Hat

After 25 years of development of the One Piece series, how many members does the Straw Hat crew have and who are they? Let’s find out with

With Chapter 1057 of One Piece appearing, it seems to mark the end of the long Wano arc. There has been no change in both the One Piece world or the Straw Hat Pirates. Specifically, their number and strength have also changed a lot. So let’s review the changes of the Straw Hats with after 25 years of development.

Monkey D. Luffy

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Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite such a name, Luffy never forces people to do what he wants. That’s why all of his teammates have a deep admiration for Luffy. And with Luffy’s belief in freedom and discovery, the Straw Hats are closer than ever to the One Piece treasure.

After One Piece chapter 1057, Luffy has officially become a Yonko with a bounty of 3 billion Belly. Besides, the Straw Hat Pirates also became the strongest pirate crew in the world of One Piece.

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Roronoa Zoro

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Zoro agreed to follow Luffy to fulfill a childhood promise to become the best swordsman in the world. He is the first crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Along with Luffy and Sanji, Zoro is a member of the Monster Trio in One Piece.

After One Piece chapter 1057, Zoro is one of the two Straw Hat crew members who can use Conqueror Haki. Currently, Zoro’s bounty has not been revealed too much, but it will probably surpass King’s 1.39 billion.

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Nami initially joined the Straw Hats for quite pragmatic reasons. Specifically, the Straw Hats will protect her and Nami will take all Belly. However, she became a loyal crew member when Luffy saved her from Arlong.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are jokingly called the Weak Trio by fans. Although she is not the strongest physically possessed fighter in One Piece. But with Zesu in hand after the Wano arc, she can manipulate the weather in the most creative ways possible.

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Usopp is the main sniper of the Straw Hats. Previously, Usopp decided to join Luffy’s crew for the reason that he could become the bravest fighter. Although once left the Straw Hat Pirates for a rather rare reason. But after the Enies lobby arc, Usopp became one of the most determined members of the Straw Hats.

Although he is considered the weakest member of the crew. But after One Piece chapter 1057, Usopp has been ‘buffed’ quite a lot. Especially his sniping ability as well as his Observation Haki. Besides, Usopp was also given extremely good fortune by Oda like Yonko Buggy.

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Vinsmoke Sanji

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It seems that this chef’s true identity is something that surprises every fan. He is the third crown prince of the Vinsmoke family. However, after the arc was over, Sanji decided to follow Luffy’s Straw Hats to find All Blue.

Sanji is considered the third strongest crew member of the Rom Hats. And after the Wano arc ended, Sanji not only increased his kicking power, but the Vinsmoke’s third crown prince also gained a battle suit. characteristic of his father.

Tony Tony Chopper

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Chopper was originally born as a normal reindeer, but when he ate the Hito Hito no Mi, everything changed. Chopper can not only walk and talk like a human, but he also possesses extremely high intelligence to become a doctor. And the doctor is also the role of Chopper on the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates.

After thousands of hair-hanging situations in the Wano arc, Chopper was still adamant about his decision to go with Luffy. Besides, Chopper’s adventurous spirit has never been lost.

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Nico Robin

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Nico Robin was the first villain to join the Straw Hat Pirates. She was originally a senior member of the Baroque Works organization. After Luffy saved her life in the Alabasta arc, Robin returned the favor and betrayed his superior Crocodile.

After the famous Straw Hats flag-burning incident at the Ennis lobby, Robin decided to go with Luffy to help him translate the messages on the Poneglyph. After a long development period in One Piece, Robin is considered a person who can assassinate almost anyone.


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Before joining the Straw Hats, Franky was hated by his fans. Because he attacked Usopp until he almost died. But after being rescued by the Straw Hats when CP9 captured them, Franky repays Luffy by repairing the group’s ship. Later this shipwright also joined the Straw Hats.

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In the past, Luffy always wanted a musician in his crew, as he believed that pirates should party and have fun. He didn’t get a chance to recruit such a person until the Thriller Bark arc.

Brook accepts Luffy’s invitation without any complaints. Brook’s skeleton is another example of the diversity within the Straw Hat Pirates. Besides, the two also teamed up to defeat Gecko Moria before being able to leave the island.

Since the time skip, Brook has established his name as a famous musician. Soul King has a certain number of fans around the world. However, his main goal is to find his lost friend Laboon, whom the Straw Hats met again in Alabasta.


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After the Wano arc, Jinbe is the newest and 10th member of the Straw Hats. Specifically, Jinbnei saved Luffy’s life numerous times throughout the story. After the events of Marineford, Jinbe comforted Luffy and helped Luffy realize that the future pirate king could still protect his friends, even if he couldn’t protect Ace.

After making it clear to the former Yonko Big Mom about her thoughts and intentions. Jinbei has officially considered himself a member of the Straw Hats. But it wasn’t until the end of the Wano arc that Jinbei was recognized by the author as the 10th member of the Straw Hats.


Besides, if you are a fan of One Piece, you gotta check this out!


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