Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running

Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running

Have you made a resolution for the new year to work out more or be more active in general? Then you should definitely read this article! We’ll show you what to think about when you first start jogging and what errors you should never make.

Running frequently benefits your health and develops your cardiovascular system while also assisting in weight loss. However, it takes roughly 20 minutes of workout before fat reserves start to be expended. But don’t let that get you down! With consistent exercise, you will be able to quickly surpass this limit because the body adapts more quickly than you might expect. Whether you run for 30 minutes a day or an hour a week (only with sufficient and accumulative training of course! ), your body will appreciate any kind of action. Read our post to learn how to create a healthy morning routine if you want to incorporate running into your daily life.


When you’re inspired, getting started right away is a terrific idea! But you shouldn’t push yourself too far if you want to avoid having your first run be your last. Alternate running and walking over short distances at first. A kilometer or ten minutes are more than sufficient at first. Running is an endurance activity, hence stamina for it needs to be gradually built up.


Overly ambitious expectations or aspirations are very unproductive. If you don’t reach your own goals, you run a higher danger of getting hurt, but you also run a higher risk of becoming quickly demotivated. After only one month of training, don’t expect to be able to complete a marathon. However, it’s fantastic if you have a sound and practical plan in place for how you’re going to accomplish such a goal. Short units and routes should be used at first, and time and duration should be increased from week to week or month to month. This is highly motivating, and adhering to it is more enjoyable.


In a team, everything is simpler! This is true for jogging as well! You can find tremendous encouragement from a good running companion or even an entire jogging group. Even if your running buddies have more experience than you, don’t be intimidated. They’ll inspire you, teach you useful things, and help you catch up to their running level more quickly. You don’t know anyone who regularly goes for runs among your friends or acquaintances? No worries, you’ll be able to discover groups on Facebook for practically every city where joggers congregate.

If not, simply form your own organization and look for like-minded individuals in your city! Learn how to stop procrastinating in our post if you are more of a lone wolf and struggle to motivate yourself.

Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running 1


You shouldn’t just avoid swimming with a full stomach, but also avoid jogging. Food that is very heavy or fatty impairs performance. If you must eat anything prior to your run, choose something light like a banana or some yoghurt. Running on a full stomach causes discomfort and may even cause nausea or agony.

Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running 2


As with any other athletic exercise, you should warm up and stretch correctly before beginning. Your metabolism and blood circulation will be stimulated, enabling you to endure for a considerably longer period of time. You can decrease your chance of injury and muscular soreness by moving your joints and muscles. If you stretch again after jogging, you can prevent this. We heartily urge you to use this advice!

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When running, maintaining a straight posture is crucial. If you can, keep your stomach and buttock muscles tight. While keeping your shoulders relaxed, you should use your arms as balance aids and to assist you in jogging rhythmically. The exact center of your feet should be beneath your body. Best case scenario: extreme caution should be used. It’s vital to remember, though, that there is no such thing as “the ideal running style.” Remember that you will need to choose a method that works for you.

Since each of us differs in size, weight, and flexibility, only broad generalizations like those mentioned above are possible. However, your body has a straightforward but reliable method of letting you know if your running technique is appropriate or needs to be changed: discomfort. Change your jogging technique if your knees, hips, or ankles suffer after working out. Of course, there may be additional causes of pain, such as a body that has been overworked generally or a lack of warm-up and stretching exercises. Pay attention to the cues your body is sending you.


The single item on your equipment that you should never skimp on are your running shoes. Your foot and ankle are supported by your shoes during jogging, and they may support up to two to three times your body weight. You should consult a professional store and make use of its staff’s knowledge to get the right shoes. Running doesn’t need any additional gear save sensible sneakers.

The standard sweatpants and T-shirt will do. However, you can purchase a practical shirt, pair of jeans, and jacket if you like something fancier. Functional athletic clothing fits snugly to the body and does not obstruct your jogging. The comfort of this equipment also extends to lower temperatures. Running socks can help you maintain proper shoe posture and shield your feet from irritating blisters. In order to prevent pain, sports bras are also crucial.

As extra devices, you can wear a heart rate monitor or bring your smartphone. Running applications allow you to track your progress and get training-related statistics. Many joggers use headphones because they find it easier to run to loud music. We also encourage you to wear sports sunglasses if you are a little sun-sensitive. Hats and headbands may keep your hair out of your face and keep you warm in the cold. We strongly urge you to wear reflectors and a headlamp if you enjoy running in the evening and are active at night.

Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running 3


One of the most important pieces of advice is to breathe properly since it gives your body enough oxygen and promotes endurance. Never force yourself to breathe in time with your movements. These two processes, in the best case scenario, automatically adjust. Inhale deeply via your nose and mouth. Although the air should ordinarily reach the stomach, many people only breathe shallowly. Deep belly breathing allows you to fully utilize your lung capacity and avoid bothersome side stitching.

Top 10 Rules To Get You Started Running 4


It’s crucial to drink plenty, but that doesn’t mean you need to down a liter of water right before your run. Drinking too much water immediately before your workout may potentially be harmful. A glass of water approximately five to ten minutes before you begin running is sufficient if you are only going for a quick lap. Consider purchasing a hydration belt or pack if you are an experienced runner who plans to run long distances or compete in a marathon. This enables you to give your body the necessary amount of hydration in tiny sips.

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An Ideal shirt as a gift for Running lovers



If you’re driven to jog every day, that’s excellent. But even if you have plenty of experience, it’s still necessary to take breaks and relaxation times. Your muscles shouldn’t be constantly strained; they need time to recover before the next run. Days for relaxation and for running should alternate. Your body will thank you if you find a rhythm that allows it to heal. Naturally, you can gradually increase your training days as you gain experience.
These were our top ten suggestions for new runners to ensure success. To prevent hurting your body, try to remember these few things.

Besides, don’t forget to check out our website Seizeshirt for more about Gifts for Running lovers!

We hope these tips help you to get your jogging routine off to a perfect start!

Let’s go, have fun!



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